BSI has actively participated in many business associations believing that our participation could make greater impact to Cambodian business community. The followings are the associations in which we are in:

ដំណើរកម្សាន្តប្រចាំឆ្នាំរបស់ក្រុមហ៊ុន ប៊ី អេស អាយ – BSI Annual Trip
B Scientific Instrument Co., Ltd (BSI) has organized an enriching annual trip to Siem Reap province, which lasted for three days from 1-3 December 2023, to celebrate this year's efforts everyone has paid to. Like other annual trips, this year's trip is an excellent opportunity for all employees to improve bonding and friendships and have [...]
វគ្គបណ្តុះបណ្តាលស្តីពីការប្រើប្រាស់ឧបករណ៍វាស់វែងទំនើបដោយផ្កាយរណប GNSS Receiver
ថ្ងៃអង្គារ៍ ៩រោច ខែអស្សុជ ឆ្នាំថោះ បញ្ចស័ក ពុទ្ធសករាជ ២៥៦៧ ត្រូវនិងថ្ងៃទី៧ ខែវិច្ឆិកា ឆ្នាំ២០២៣ ក្រុមហ៊ុន B Scientific Instrument Co., Ltd និងដៃគូសហការក្រុមហ៊ុនHi-Target Survey Instruments Co., Limited ក្រោមអធិបតីភាពឯកឧត្តម ខៀវ បូរិន អនុរដ្ឋលេខាធិការ តំណាងដ៏ខ្ពង់ខ្ពស់ ឯកឧត្តម សាយ សំអាល់ ឧបនាយករដ្ឋមន្ត្រី រដ្ឋមន្ត្រីក្រសួងរៀបចំដែនដីនគរូបនីយកម្ម និងសំណង់ បានរៀបចំវគ្គបណ្តាល ស្ដីពីការសិក្សាទៅលើទ្រឹស្តី និងការអនុវត្តលើឧបករណ៍វាស់វែងទំនើបដោយផ្កាយរណប GNSS Receiver ជូនដល់ មន្ត្រីរដ្ឋបាលថ្នាក់ជាតិ និងក្រោមជាតិ ចំនួនប្រមាណ ២០០នាក់ ដែលអញ្ចើញមកពី ២៥រាជធានីខេត្តនៃព្រះរាជាណាចក្រកម្ពុជា។ វគ្គបណ្តុះបណ្តាលនេះ ធ្វើឡើងក្រោមគម្រោង LASED III/IDA 67060-KH របស់ក្រសួងរៀបចំដែនដី នគរូបនីយកម្ម និងសំណង់ ហើយក៏មានការអញ្ចើញ ចូលរួមបិទនិងប្រគល់វិញ្ញាបនបត្របញ្ចាក់ការសិក្សារ ក្រោមអិធិបតីភាព [...]
Installation and Training: OC-EC Aerosol Analyzer at RUPP
On 26 – 28 July 2023, B Scientific Instrument Co., Ltd (BSI) and Sunset Laboratory Inc from USA (supplier) had installed and delivered training on the Lab OC-EC Aerosol Analyzer Instrument at Royal University of Phnom Penh. The OC-EC instrument is the standard in carbonaceous particulate aerosol. The M5L Lab Analyzer delivers unrivaled quality, reliability, [...]
Chhbar Am Pov High School
On November 2022, B Scientific Instrument Co., Ltd (BSI) participated in the exhibition for the "Student Work and Entrepreneurship Competition" and was a GOLD sponsor for that event which was organized by Samdech Hun Sen Bun Rany Chbar Ampov High School in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The sponsorship and participation in the event have been at [...]
Scientific Day
On June 2023, B Scientific Instrument Co., Ltd (BSI) participated as the gold sponsor in the 12th Scientific Day on “Engineering Technology and Innovation Toward the Development of Digital Economy and Society” at the Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC), Phnom Penh, Cambodia. This scientific conference is held annually, and it was the 12th organized [...]
Automatic Rain Gauge and Water Level Sensor
The end of the training, install and use the Telemetry Automatic Tipping Bucket Rain Gauge to measure the level of rainfall for any period and period. And another Telemetry Automatic Water Level Sensor used for weather forecasts such as storms and floods.
Installation and Guide for 52 High Schools
B Scientific Instrument Co., Ltd (BSI) is honored to receive the trust of donors through the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports to supply real science laboratory equipment to 52 high schools across the province.
Training: The electrical Resistrical Measurement
B Scientific Instrument Co., Ltd (BSI) held the training on the Electrical Resistivity Measurement at the Institute of Technology of Cambodia by a member of the Institute and a Trainer from IRIS France. The training was comprised of two sections: first segment focused on learning the product manual; the second segment illustrated product testing in [...]
BSI has also been a co-sponsor of the 1st International Conference on Earth Resources and Geo-environment Technology (EraGET 2022) at the institute of Technology of Cambodia.